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Kay is for Kidney

One kidney to save a life

In February of 2022,I found out that I have Stage 4 chronic kidney disease. I was admitted to the hospital for 3 weeks after some routine testing. It turned out that I have auto-immune kidney failure, which means that my body is attacking my kidneys.

It’s very difficult for me to share this information, but my kidney function has gradually gotten worse and I am at the point where my treatment options are very limited. I was on dialysis for 4 months and it took all of the energy out of me. Now, I am hovering just above needing dialysis, but my kidney function is no longer improving. That means that I will need a kidney transplant. It will be the only way to improve my chances for a longer, heathier life. You may already know that I’ve survived brain surgery and breast cancer. I’m a survivor and a fighter!

I am currently on the national deceased donor waiting list. The average wait time is five years. The only other way to shorten the wait time is for me to get a transplant from a living donor. Even though most of us are born with two kidneys, we only need one healthy kidney to survive. That means you or someone else you know could save my life by choosing to be a living donor. 

Kidneys from living donors can even last almost twice as long as kidneys from deceased donors. Of course, a kidney transplant is a major surgery for myself and my donor, so it does have risks. However, transplant surgery is generally safe and successful. My insurance will pay for ALL testing and hospital bills related to donating. Even if we aren’t a direct match (Blood type 0+), there is a National Kidney Registry that could match us up with another pair that isn’t a direct match. Both of my daughters (Rachel and Sarah) have already applied to donate but were denied due to HHT, a genetic disorder in our family.

There is no telling when I will get that call from my transplant center that a kidney is available for me. So, while I wait, I am choosing to focus on what is in my control. I have decided to start my own search for a living donor. It is not easy but I am reaching out for help.

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